
Matching the Term: "Hope"

Peace and Hope

Timothy Peabody

A river runs through it - Finding Hope in a Broken World - John 10:34-42

Langdon Palmer

Sometimes we read the bible and get nothing out of it - it feels like a desert of lifeless words. Sometimes church services seem lifeless like a barren desert, and sometimes our very lives seem like a barren desert - Where is God in all of this?

The Perimeter has been breached...

Langdon Palmer

Why do you carry car keys with you? It turns out they are icons pointing us to what is wrong in the world and where true hope is found. And sometimes hope is found in the least expected places - such as the barren desert wilderness where a man sat facing the temptor. But this man was Jesus, and from his ordeal he teaches us three things we need to know to live in a world full of insecurity... Matthew 4:1-20, Ecclesiastes 9:11-12, Psalm 4:8

The Audacity Of Hope

Rev. Lana Charlton

Blessed be your name - The Story behind the Song

Langdon Palmer

What do you do when the dark days come? Why does God allow good things to be taken away from our lives? We turn to the song Blessed Be Thy Name, the scriptures that form its foundation including Job 1:18-22. and ancient painting entitled Hopeless Dawn to discover the way of hope in tough times

The Calling: What am I supposed to be doing with my career and my life?

Langdon Palmer

Does God call us to a specific job or task? How do we figure out what career is best for us? What do you do when you feel stuck in your job or in your life? We turn to Ephesians 4 and discover there that God as 4 callings for us: To work, to walk, to grow, and to build. This is real hope for real lives!

THE CHURCH - How do you know if your church is headed in the right direction? Hebrews 10:22-25

Langdon Palmer

Do I really need to go to church to be a Christian? Churches are so messed up, why should I bother? What is this thing called the Church of Jesus Christ, and how could you tell a good church from a bad church ? It turns out that lying in 4 short verses in Hebrews 10 is a revelation of four signs of a healthy church. Get stoked - the church of Jesus Christ is the Hope of the world!

With God, All Things Are Possible

Pastor Scott Johnson

This week Pastor Johnson teaches us to how among faith, hope and love, the importance of hope id often lost. Hope is the beginning of any move of God. God cannot operates in a place where there is not faith or believe. Hoping for something means that you believe it is possible…now God can work.

To Kiss the Son and mean it - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118

Landon Palmer

Does life ever feel like a random collection of fragments of unfinished stories to you? Pieces of stories that just don't make sense when you try to put them next to each other? How can there be so much beauty and so much horror mixed up in the same world? Where can meaning and hope be found in a world like this where one minute the crowds welcome Jesus with Palms and the next minute cry out Crucify him? We take what appears to be three random fragments: The story of Palm Sunday in Matthew 21, an ancient song in...