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Knowing God Series
Title | Speaker | Date |
ALLAH YANG MAHA TAHU _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | October 24, 2021 |
ALLAH YANG MAHABAIK _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | November 07, 2021 |
TEDUH DALAM KEDAULATAN ALLAH _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | November 14, 2021 |
MENGENAL ALLAH YANG ADIL NAMUN BELAS KASIH _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | November 21, 2021 |
ALLAH YANG TAK PERNAH TERLAMBAT _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | November 28, 2021 |
God is Love the experience of enjoyment _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | December 05, 2021 |
Knowing God's Will _ Pdt Effendi Susanto | Pdt Effendi Susanto | December 12, 2021 |
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