Matching the Term: "The Gospel"
1 Corinthians 5:1-13 The Right Kind of Leaven
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: The Right Kind of Leaven Text: I Corinthians 5:1-13 FCF: We often struggle with dealing with those who claim to be Christians living in unrepentant sin. Prop: Because the mission of the church is to call sinners to the gospel, we must excommunicate unrepentant believers. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to I Corinthians chapter 5. In a moment we’ll begin reading in verse 1 from the Legacy Standard Bible. You can follow along in the pew bible or in whatever version you prefer. Today we will deviate from our study in the book of Acts to...
72 Acts 19.21-41 The Bible: Narrow and Acclimatizing
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: The Gospel: Narrow and Acclimatizing Text: Acts 19:21-41 FCF: We often struggle being ready for persecution. Prop: Because the gospel is narrow and acclimatizing, we must trust the Lord when we are persecuted for the gospel. Scripture Intro: NET [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 19. In a moment we’ll read from the New English Translation starting in verse 21. You can follow along in the pew bible or whatever version you prefer. Last week we closed out a remarkable narrative episode in the city of Ephesus. God’s power was directly compared to the powers of...
69 Acts 19:8-10 A Time to Reason and a Time to Leave
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: A Time to Reason and A Time to Leave Text: Acts 19:8-10 FCF: We all struggle doing what God has commanded to grow His church. Prop: Because God will gather and grow His church, we must make disciples of those who are willing to hear. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 19. In a moment we’ll read from the Legacy Standard Bible starting in verse 8. You can follow along in the pew bible or whatever version you prefer. Last week Paul arrived in Ephesus to find Jews whose profession was somewhat questionable. Paul...
68 Acts 19:1-7 13 Men Stuck Between Two Faiths
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: 13 Men Stuck Between Two Faiths Text: Acts 19:1-7 FCF: We all struggle to with the tension of the diversity and uniformity that exists in the church. Prop: Because all kind of people will receive the Holy Spirit, we must call all to repent, believe on Christ, and be baptized in His name. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts 19. In a moment we will read starting in verse 1 from the New English Translation. You can follow along in the pew bible or whatever version you prefer. Last week Luke closed out the record...
67 Acts 18:18-28 The Fruit of the Second Missionary Journey
Chris Freeman
Title: The Fruit of the Second Missionary Journey Text: Acts 18:18-28 FCF: We often struggle recognizing God’s providential hand in ministry. Prop: Because God supports and perpetuates the work of the ministry, we must trust and obey the Lord. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 18. In a moment we’ll begin reading starting in verse 18 in the Legacy Standard Bible. You can follow along in the pew bible or in the version you prefer. We left Paul in Corinth, having been delivered from the persecution of the Jews. This fulfilled the Lord Jesus’ promise...
70 Acts 19:11-20 God vs. Magic Part 1
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: “God vs. Magic” Part 1 Text: Acts 19:11-16 FCF: We often struggle to believe that God alone is sufficient for all we need. Prop: Because God’s power is greater than magic, we must trust God alone without polluting His exclusive worship. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 19. In a moment we will read from the ESV starting in verse 11 and going to verse 20. You can follow along in the pew bible or in whatever version you prefer. Last time we learned of the incredible success that the Lord is giving to...
The Law of God, The Second Commandment
Larry W Dean
65 Acts 18.1-6 Providence and People Part 1
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: “Providence and People” Part 1 Text: Acts 18:1-6 FCF: We often struggle balancing God’s providence with our action. Prop: Because God’s providence does not preclude human responsibility, we must engage in earthly and spiritual work. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 18. In a moment we’ll begin reading in verse 1 from the Legacy Standard Bible. You can follow along in the pew bible or in whatever version you prefer. Last time in the book of Acts we saw Paul complete his ministry in the city of Athens. During the Macedonian portion of the...
71 Acts 19:17-20 God vs. Magic Part 2
Christopher C. Freeman
Title: “God vs. Magic” Part 2 Text: Acts 19:17-20 FCF: We often struggle to believe that God alone is sufficient for all we need. Prop: Because God’s power is greater than magic, we must fear the Lord and turn from our former ways. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 19. In a moment I’ll begin reading starting in verse 11 from the English Standard Version. You can follow along in the pew bible or in whatever version you prefer. Last week we took a deep look at the events that transpire in Ephesus surrounding the...
The Law of God, The Fifth Commandment
Larry W Dean
The In-Between Years - Part 10
Brad Shockley
Sermon for Trinity's 125th Anniversary
Pastor Thomas Christopher
A Christmas Story
Noah Leighton
The In-Between Years Part 64
Brad Shockley
The In-Between Years - Part 26
Brad Shockley
God's End Game - Part 1
Brad Shockley
God's End Game - Part 53
Brad Shockley
Contend for the Faith
Dave Smith
Jude 3 (ESV) - Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. ————— In this final message in our series over the book of Jude, we look back to the beginning as Jude begins to summarize his message to his readers. At the end of his letter Jude gives practical instruction on how to contend for the faith and how to encourage a congregation that has false teachers within it. We...
The Law of God, The Fourth Commandment
Larry W Dean
A discussion of the Christian's relationship to the Sabbath.