Matching the Term: "Money"
The God Of Money
Michael Biyd
The God Of Money Luke 12, Luke 19 Listen on Mixlr @ http://mixlr.com/pastorgbcsl My Radio Stream @ http://s36.myradiostream.com:21402/listen.mp3 Watch us on You Tube Live @ htttp://www.youtube.com/gracechurch-slus/live Grace Baptist Church Podcast https://podpoint.com/grace-baptist-church-of-second-life-podcast https://discord.gg/u9YZt9DQ
I have money. Now what? - A biblical overview of money pt. 2
Craig Schill
Last week we learned the different ways in which God provides money for us. This week, we will hear from Pastor Craig about what we should now do with the money we have been blessed with.
Don't Chase Money, Let Money Chase You Part 3
Pastor Louis Boucher
God wants to bless His children and the way He truly does that is when they tithe and live right. Also there are many ministries on TV that manipulate believers to give for their cause that is unscriptural. The people of God must realize this. Tithing is still for today but it's not done because of a law but by faith. Just like Abraham when tithe to King Melchezedek. He gave a tenth because of reverence for Him. Melchezedek was a type of Christ. We should tithe because we love God and the Church not because we are force to....
Don't Chase Money Let Money Chase You
Pastor Louis Boucher
Many is the Body of Christ seem to be living in lack and fear of not having enough finances. Pastor Louis shares how Jesus approached this situation with His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:19-34. Jesus shares how much His Father loves His children and promises to take care of them. Jesus also shares that by worrying which shows that we love money more then God, allow darkness in our daily lives which then creates hardship.
Don't Chase Money Let Money Chase You Part 2
Pastor Louis Boucher
God the Father loves us so much and is always willing to take care of us. Jesus in Matthew chapter 6:19-34 shares that. We are to live free from the love of money. We are tp seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness (obedience to His Word) and He will take care of the rest. Shares that there is many false teaching in the area of finances. Some carry the Poverty Mentality in one extreme and others the Prosperity Mentality. Both are wrong. Believers should stay in the middle.
Money & Power | James 5:1-6
Pastor Joshua Lim
With prophetic fury, James condemns "the rich" (the wicked wealthy) because they have trusted in money and power to save them, they have used money and power to take advantage of others, and they have lived selfishly with their money and power. In the face of such injustice, God promises to bring final judgment. As Christians who live entirely by grace, we are to instead be good stewards of the money and power that have been entrusted to us.
The Shrewd Manager
Krys Scroggins
A Biblical Concept Of Money
Kevin Webb
In the first week of our series Money: Master It Or It Will Master You, we take a look at the Biblical Concept of money. Listen in as we go through how the money we make isn't ours and that we are the manager's of God's money.
The Christian's Approach to Money
Chris Sheppard
Every Christian must answer 3 question. First, how do we think about money? Second, how do we gain our money? Third, how do we use our money?
How Not To Mismanage God's Money
Kevin Webb
In the second week of our series Money: Master It Or It Will Master You, we talk about how not to mismanage God's Money. Listen in as we go through the steps to manage God's money: Avoid Debt, Return a Tithe to God, Generously give it away, and save some for a rainy day.
Enjoy God's Money Carefully
Kevin Webb
In the third week of our series Money: Master It Or It Will Master You, we talk about how we should enjoy God's money carefully. Listen in as we talk about how God's money is a blessing and that we shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying it. However, enjoy it cautiously.
Wise Up About Money
Kevin Webb
In the fifth week of our series Wise Up, we talk about Wise Up about Money. Listen in as we go through how money is dangerous, how to view money correctly, and how to use money Wisely.
"Abundance in Sharing" 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15.
David Reyes
Paul points to three characteristics of Biblical giving in his second letter to the Corinthians from chapter eight to nine. As he moves from earlier chapters where Paul was explaining the ministry of the New Covenant, now Paul is exercising the ministry of Collection. Highlighting biblical giving as: 1-Generous, 2-Purposeful, and 3-Joyous. Paul seeks the involvement of Corinthians church in sharing an offering for the needs of the saints. He wisely uses the example of the collaborating Church of Macedonia and of Christ, commands to give, commends a Christian Crew, collects for Christians in Jerusalem, and compares the cheerful giver...
God's Financial Provision. A Biblical overview of money - pt. 1
Craig Schill
New year, new sermon series! Many New Year resolutions include getting abetter handle on our personal finances. In this first sermon out o four, Pastor Craig lists several ways God provides money for us, and a couple of sinful ways for making money.
The Money Pit
Langdon Palmer
Should you feel guilty about buying that thing you have been thinking about - or is material prosperity a sign of God's blessing ? How should a Christian think about Money ? We tend to view our spiritual life and our finances as unrelated, but it turns out they are surprisingly connected. Deuteronomy 8:11-18 and 1st Timothy 6:7-19 put side by side give us a great biblical foundation for understanding money and wealth
The Money Pit
Langdon Palmer
Should you feel guilty about buying that thing you have been thinking about - or is material prosperity a sign of God's blessing ? How should a Christian think about Money ? We tend to view our spiritual life and our finances as unrelated, but it turns out they are surprisingly connected. Deuteronomy 8:11-18 and 1st Timothy 6:7-19 put side by side give us a great biblical foundation for understanding money and wealth
Buffalo Baptist Church, Pastor Wally Kelly, Jesus' Exposition on Kingdom Life: Seeking your Reward; God or Money?, Matthew 6:19-24, April 13 2016
Pastor Wally Kelly
Buffalo Baptist Church, Pastor Wally Kelly, Jesus' Exposition on Kingdom Life: Seeking your Reward; God or Money?, Matthew 6:19-24, April 13 2016
How Can You Prevent Money From Becoming An Idol?
Kevin Webb
In The 5th week of our series Q&A with HP, we answer the question How can we prevent money from becoming and idol? Listen in as we go through how to safeguard our heart from allowing money to become an idol in our lives.
Vital Signs #2 - How healthy is my realationship with money, Really ?
Langdon Palmer
How is your relationship with money -really ? It turns out that the bible has a lot to say about the impact our finances have on our spiritual life. The very practical self-evaluation you can do with this podcast will help you treat money the way that God intended, and that leads to both freedom and generosity.
Money Advice from Dad
Todd Weber
The best way to manage money is to apply God's wisdom to our finances. Here are three pieces of advice from our heavenly father.
What Money Can’t Do
Dr. Danny V. Ray
Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ What Money Can’t Do Luke 12 Verse 42
Money mobilization models for gospel workers.
Eddie Ssemakula
Worldliness and disengagement are close when we engage money in ministry. (2 Cor 8:16-24) Which principles should gospel workers maintain in mobilizing gospel support. Paul's Jerusalem church fund is instructive. 1.Maintain a reputation for the gospel, (18) 2. Engage money with dependence on God, (16) 3. Cultivate and maintain intergrity, (22) 4. Emphasize and model the blessing of giving over receiving (19, 20,2, 2Cor 9:12) 5.Avoid extremes of hyper-sensitivity and lack of straight talk. (21) 6. Prioritize church gospel aims in financial mobilisation. (24)
Saving Money Over the Holidays, Winter Foraging, Heating With Wood and More
Jim Calhoun
Saving Money Over the Holidays, Winter Foraging, Heating With Wood and More Join Jim as he offers practical ideas to help you safely heat your house with wood, save money as well as talking about world events!
Eric Bryan
1 Chronicles 29:11-13; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20