1 Peter 2:13-25 The Christian, the Government, and God's Great Dance Floor!
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
May 17, 2020
Langdon Palmer
In the middle of the Pandemic, the role of the government and the the relationship between invidual liberty and government oversite is being hotly debated. How should a Christian think about the government ? We look at this and other difficult issues with Peter, but we do so with the backdrop of God’s Great Dance Floor! The song by the same name by Martin Smith really sets the stage for this morning’s sermon, and if anything can put you in a good mood, this song can! We encourage you to watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0Glq025b60 as a way for preparing the sermon on God’s Word in this podcast! See the whole series at https://levpres.org/1st-peter-sermon-series/ Help keep this ministry on the air at https://levpres.org/giving/
Episode Notes
Credits: "God's Great Dance Floor" Out Now!
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Content Copyright Belongs to Langdon Palmer