
Matching the Term: "Wisdom"

Sermon - 5/17/09

Dr. Wilson Benton

Wisdom for Living

Sermon - 5/24/09

Dr. Wilson Benton

Wisdom from Hell

Sermon - 5/31/09

Dr. Wilson Benton

Wisdom from Heaven

Practical Christian Living Part 7

Pastor Franklin Walden Jr

James 4:13-18

Sermon - 12/27/09

Rev. Todd Teller

Wisdom from the Wise Men After Christmas

What is Wisdom

Dr. Ivan Parke

Psalm 23 Part 6 - You prepare a table before me

Langdon Palmer

If God offered you a meal - would you really like what was on the menu ? What does it mean that God sets a table for David in the presence of his enemies? Is David just gloating as he eats while his hungry enemies look on? We look deeply into this verse of the 23rd Psalm as well as Hebrews 5:12-14, Mark 10:45, Proverbs 9:1-6,Matthew 26:31 and discover there a Table of Wisdom, of The Word, of Wonder, of Welcome, and of Worship.

Are you a know it all

Jonathan Richerson

The Tree of Knowledge

Jonathan Richerson

What is Christian Hypocrisy

Jonathan Richerson

08-22-10 The Way of Wisdom

Rev. Pauline Sexton

Lack Wisdom? Ask God.

Dr. Greg Belser

James 1:5-8, Matthew 7:7-11, Romans 8:32, James 3:13-18

How to read the OT Wisdom Literature - Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:2:11 The Blunt Honesty of an Athiest - and then some

Langdon Palmer

Does life ever seem meaningless to you? Or, have you made some bad decisions, or are you facing some hard choices? In each of these cases what we need is wisdom - godly wisdom... and it can be found the section of the bible known as the books of wisdom. Job,Proverbs,Ecclesiastes are known as the books of wisdom and together with Psalms and The Song of Solomon are also known as the books of Poetry. Each of these five books gives a different type of wisdom that we desperately need to hear. Today we look first at a guiding principles...

Sermon - 1/15/12

Rev. David Filson

The Wisdom of the Sword

The Seven Deadly Sins #4 & #5 - GREED & GLUTTONY - 1st Timothy 6:3-10

Langdon Palmer

Is it wrong to want more money? How much food is too much ? What are gluttony and greed and where do they come from? More importantly, how do I say no when they come knocking at my door? Join us as we face these two G's of the seven deadly vices with wisdom from the word of God.

The Seven Deadly Sins #6 - ANGER - Proverbs 15:1, Mark 3:1-6

Langdon Palmer

What do I do with this Anger? Many folks struggle with anger, and many Christians don't know what to do about it. Is it OK to be angry? If so, when? When does Anger turn evil? How can I handle it ? We look at Jesus and the wisdom of scripture and discover what it really means to Rage Against The Machine. We have put up a prayer meditation on line so that wherever you are and whenever you need it, it's available at http://www.southridgeworship.com/anger.htm

Pursue Wisdom No Matter the Cost

Rev. Tim Peabody

Proverbs 4:1-27; Joel 2:13-14

Navigating Wisdom

Rev. Lana Charlton

Breakthrough - Part 7

Pastor Paul McCulloch

1 Kings 3:3; Matthew 11:18; 1 Chronicles 28:2; "Breakthrough comes in the wisdom of God."

Breakthrough Part 8 - Wisdom Part 2

Pastor Paul McCulloch

1 Kings 3:3-6; 1 Kings 3:12-15; I kings 8:66; Matthew 11:11-14; 1 Kings 8:14-19; Proverbs 1-7; "The offspring of my heart is whatever I am communing with; what is in your heart will create the opportunities you run into."