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Minister Michael M. Matthews was born in New York City , and grew up in Harlem. Raised by his grandmother. Minister Matthews worked as a arm security Guard in New York City for 11years, and was a volunteer New York City Auxiliary Police Officer for 6 years. Minister Matthews once said he asked his mother " Mom how do you know when, you get your calling?" his mother answer was " son you will know when you get your calling, cause the things you do now you will slowly stop. And you will have no desire to do than". "You will lose some of the friends your are with." He than said that has always stuck with him. Minister Matthews is the Director and Producer of Public Access Television Shows, called The Village Drum, and Da Carter 101. He also Directs Public Access show, The Gospel Hour, Host Dr. Albert J. Lewis , and the late Dr. Rev. Pauline E. Ballard of Fireside Chat. He said he always look at Dr. Rev. Pauline E. Ballard as his spiritual mother. He also the Director of Reflections Host by Pastor P. and The Church at Newark, Host Pastor Rick Greene. There are many other shows that he has directed. He is the owner and Manager of 3 internet radio station. Two of the radio stations have the same name RBM Smooth Radio, and the other is Mattenterprises Radio. Minister Matthews started is journey into ministry back in 2014 studying the Bible, through a Bible courses. Than on August 16, 2020 he became Ordained by Universal Life Church. Minister Matthews Continues to study the Bible, and has wrote a number of essays from his studies, and from the chapters he read. Such as Genesis and Exodus, he also minister with of other Ministers groups, who Are Apostle Ella J. Alexander of Victorious Life Ministry, Apostle Arthur Young of Healing Water Ministry, And Pastor Mark Dudley of Inspire Word Ministry. Minister Matthews said, his Mission is not to convert anyone, from what their belief is, or what their faith. He just want them to open their eyes, and read the Bible so they can have a clear understanding of the Bible. And the words God has inspired man to write, and a better understanding for them selves. What the Scriptures are saying. He want to create a brotherhood and sisterhood of all his Brothers and Sisters cause at the end of the day God has created all of us to be a blessing to each other.
Title | Speaker | Date |
Trust In Jesus | this is a song | July 17, 2023 |
Announcement | Aria | August 12, 2023 |
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