Sermons & Episodes

Freddy T. 06-10-07

The Walking Wounded

Apostles Creed 8 - the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints - Acts 2 :40-47

God Brings Out the Best

FBCT StudentCast Episode #11

His Name Will Be Great (Malachi 1:10-14)

Freddy T. 06-03-07

More God More!
wHAT IS your cloud full of today?
Gods Great Love

Dangerous Church

DOXA Midweek - "The Joel Reynolds Interview"

The Compromised Sacrifice (Malachi 1:6-9)

Sowing in the Glory Pt. 2

"Two Gifts" 1 Corinthians 7

FBCT StudentCast Episode #10

Sowing in the Glory Pt. 1

Contend for the Faith

Memorial Day Message