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Matthew begins his story of the birth of Jesus by listing a long genealogy of Jesus' ancestors. We might be tempted to skip over a list of names that we can barely pronounce, but Jesus' genealogy is quite unusual. Interspersed among all the "begats" are the names of five women. Any one of these names would be enough to create a scandal worthy of the ancient tabloids! Join Pastors Jen and Jacob for our Advent sermon series, "23andHE," as we take a look at Jesus's DNA test and discover why the author of Matthew made the intentional decision to include these five women when they could have easily been left out entirely.
Title | Speaker | Date |
Tamar and Rahab | Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz | December 03, 2023 |
The Wife of Uriah [Bathsheba] | Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland | December 11, 2023 |
Ruth | Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz | December 17, 2023 |
Mary | Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland | December 27, 2023 |
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