How to Handle Hassles
Series: Becoming A Healthy Leader
March 09, 2025
Brett Cooper
“A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute.” Proverbs 15:18 NASB1995 Hassles are best handled first from within yourself, second with direct influencers, third with the indirect influencers from the direct influencers, and finally with the instigators.
Episode Notes
Handle The Hassle In Your Heart (Philippians 4:6, 7)
One of the most frustrating things that can happen is for you to start having success at reaching a group of young people and then they get into an argument that starts to divide them. If you’re not careful your own heart can be divided between the love you have for them and the anger you feel towards them. You need to deal with that anger on the inside first. Take it before the Lord, so that you can be stripped of your own pride, options worries (P.O.W.). Don’t allow your heart to be held captive to the hassle around you.
Handle the Hassle In The Middle of the havoc (the direct influencers).
Usually, the hassle is between just a couple of people. Go to the two of them and from a calm perspective, assertively help them to handle the problem. If it’s handled between just the two of them, it can be fixed. You’ve got to get to the core of the problem before you start dealing with all of the outer layers. Dealing with the core will set you up to fix the issue.
Handle the Hassle Among Those Being Hustled
When there’s a problem, there are always people who are collateral damage to it. They end up getting really hurt by an issue. That’s not even theirs. The best thing to do is to fix the problem at its core and then have the core individuals talk to the crowd that that’s experiencing the pain from it.
Handle The Hassle With The Hecklers
There are some people who just love gossip and get all caught up in someone else’s conflict. It’s like they’re carrying a bucket of gasoline and when a spark happens, they know how to make it ignite. Once the hassle is dealt with you need to go to the ones who are gossiping about it and making it worse and help them to see a better way. If you do not confront them, they will be sitting there with their gasoline, waiting for another spark. The thing is, people like that, have a lot of trouble in their life and can seriously benefit from you loving we confronting them. They will not like it at the time, but later they will come to appreciate it. They will be invited to a lot more gatherings, and they will live a much better quality of life because you love them enough to go and confront them when there was a problem.
If you choose to start handling hassles, you will have a much easier time facilitating teaching.
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