Another Level - 3:2:25, 4.40 PM

Series: Becoming A Healthy Leader

March 02, 2025
Brett Cooper

One of the coolest inventions in the history of the world is the elevator. Think about it: you get into a box at one level, the doors shut, and when the doors open you find yourself at a whole new level. If you can get into the box of humility. That is humbly placing yourself where God would have you to be. You can find doors opening for you at a whole new level in life. In this lesson, you will learn about how to go to another level.

Episode Notes

“Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.”
‭‭James‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬

Recognize (Humble yourself…) 

The best way to get to the next level is to find the elevator. When I was in high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors would sell elevator passes to freshmen. That was so wrong! We didn’t have an elevator in my high school. Sometimes I go to hospitals and I feel like I’m falling for the same joke. It’s really hard to find the elevator. It’s there, but it’s hard to find. Sometimes in life, you’ve got to slow down and listen to the Holy Spirit, guiding you to where the elevator is located. When you humble yourself enough to slow down and listen to the Lord, you can experience His presence (feel) and expand your possibilities (thought). So, your emotional level is greater (you can handle more) and your educational level is greater (you know more). Recognize that the Lord is your elevator.

Evaluate (in the presence of the Lord…) 

It’s a wonderful moment when you find yourself standing in front of the elevator. Now for some people that’s a horrifying moment. Some people have a phobia of elevators. They think that the jaws of death are opening up and are going to suck them into a coffin And they’ll never come out again. You know that may sound silly to you. But there are a lot of people in life who are afraid of going to the next level. It’s so much easier to just stay where you are and live with what you know. That brain inside of your skull is less interested in leading you into a greater life. It’s a whole lot more interested in keeping you in a safe place. But, your heart is longing for more. If you allow your heart to win, then you will be willing to get on the elevator. If you get on the elevator, you will be able to accelerate in advance upward. So, start evaluating it right now, by telling your mind to accept the vision that God is placing on your heart. 

There are great leaders in this room. It is a massive sacrifice to live as a leader. It’s painful and problematic, and it’s a lot of hard work. But, if you will embrace it, you can change the world around you.

Accept (He will…) 

The great thing about getting on the elevator is that all you have to do is touch the floor and you’ll reach a whole new level. (Story about “hit the floor”) You can move up in looking, learning, and living. We should live our lives by looking at where we’re going, learning from where we’ve been, and living where we are. It’s a beautiful time when you’re on the elevator. So, accept the fact that God is going to bring you to a new level and you get to be a leader.

Lift (…exalt you.)

Choose to know who you are and whose you are. Choose to know where you’re going as you accept that others will follow you.

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