
Matching the Term: "Redemption"

Sermon - 11/29/09

Ryan Doyle

Redemption Revisited

Advent #4 Waiting Like Mary Luke 1:26-56

Langdon Palmer

No matter how hard we try to avoid it, we are going to wait. The question is not whether we are going to wait but how we are going to wait. Mary teaches a way to wait that redeems the time and frames our life and our waiting in the big story of the redemption of the universe!

Narnia - The Lion, THe Witch and the Wardrobe 3 - The Stone Table is Broken - Encountering the power of redemption in the Lord of Life

Langdon Palmer

In this final podcast on the Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe we look at the deep theology behind the breaking of the Stone Table and the return of Aslan. What does it mean that the law was written on Stone Tablets? It turns out this supposed children's story by C.S. Lewis gives us profound insight into the atonement. We look at Luke 2:10-11,1Titus 2:5-6,Hebrews 9:15,Hebrews 12:2 and find that the Chronicles of Narnia declare "He has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant." Joy to the world - the Lord...

Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 1 - What if it was always winter but never Christmas ? - Finding hope in a world that's cold

Langdon Palmer

This first podcast on the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe gives an introduction to C.S. Lewis and the book. Then it turns to two deep truths found in this supposed child's book. First, what it is like to deal with hopelessness and depression - what it is like to live in a world of grey where it is always winter but never Christmas. But next it takes us to a deeper truth - the fact that the redemption of God cannot be stopped, that Aslan is on the move, that right at the coldest day of winter is when...

Blood of Redemption

Pastor Paul McCulloch

1 Peter 1:18, Liv 8:2, Rom 4:19-22 I am washed and I am marked in/by the blood

Hebrews Chapter 8 - Replacing that old furnace in the basement

Langdon Palmer

How do the Old Testament and New Testament go together ? If God knows everything, why didnt he just start with the New Testament ? Did he try something that didnt work and then change his mind ? To look at one of the deepest sections of the book of Hebrews, today Pastor Langdon talks about the adventure of replacing a 30 year old furnace in an old farm house as a way of understanding God's radical plan of redemption.

Sound Doctrine in a Prosperity Gospel World

Dr. Ronald K. Powell

Avoiding the Prosperity Trap. Notice where the crowds are flocking these days! A Feel Good, no conviction Gospel where you are King and entitled. Christ takes a backseat to the whims and personal lust of the people. No Deny yourself! No Take up your cross!

Redemption Through Jesus Christ

Pastor Morris Watson

Christ leads us in triumph! Learn more about your redemption through Jesus Christ as Pastor Morris Watson shares from 2 Corinthians 2:14

Jesus, mistreated for you!

Kevin Webb

Easter Series 2016

Jesus, suffered for you!

Kevin Webb

Take a look with us into the suffering Jesus endured not only on the cross but also leading up to the cross.


Garry Adkins

Redemption is the understanding that Jesus Christ paid a price for our sin/death that we could not pay. Jesus Christ was our "Ransom" for us to be free!


Pastor Mario Parga

Seven Churches - Part 6

Brad Shockley

Most of the cities’ names in the seven churches of Revelation sound foreign and unfamiliar (as they should being from ancient times and culture): Ephesus, Thyatira, Pergamum, Sardis, Laodicea. But not the city we are visiting today. Philadelphia is well known to us as a place in Pennsylvania. it’s the home of the Liberty Bell. We most likely we even know what the name means: the city of brotherly love. Philadelphia the American city was named after Philadelphia the ancient Asia-Minor city, which was named after King Attalus II, whose loyalty and devotion to his brother Eumenes earned him the...

Ep11. Surviving Abortion with Melissa Ohden

Brandee Nielsen + Melissa Ohden

This show's coffee talk topic dives deep into the dark, painful secrets of having an abortion, the history of the law in the United States, and the healing and redemption offered through Christ. Hear the testimony of host Brandee Nielsen-Smith, and the riveting story of abortion survivor, Melissa Ohden, about the miracle God bestowed on her life as told in her own words and referred in her new book, You Carried Me. Theme Song: Jesus Kind of Love by Nate Jackson Connect with Melissa Ohden at www.melissaohden.com and on www.facebook.com/melissaohdenfan

He Chose to Be One of Us

Frank Foreman

First in a series of five messages

The Garments He Shed for Us

Frank Foreman

Third in the series of messages

Part 4 - Redemption and Blood Covenant

Pastor Tina Drysdale

The Redemption of our sins paid for through the blood of Jesus Christ is the ultimate picture of the blood covenant relationship God established with His people through Abraham. This revelation will cause you to understand the significance of the Lord's Table and why we are commanded to remember this covenant he made with us.

The Aroma of Redemption

Jonathan Richerson

"SH'MA" How to Hear God

Dr. Ronald K. Powell

Shema is Hebrew for "Hear God". Today Dr. Powell will teach on the essence of hearing and obeying. Hearing and obeying are the two sides of the same coin. take a listen.

Ep24. Coming Home to the Faithfulness of God with Athena Dean Holtz

Brandee Nielsen + Athena Dean Holtz

This episode's coffee talk topic is about the enormous gift of Redemption in the life of Athena Dean Holtz, who shares her powerful, riveting story written in her new book, Full Circle, published by Redemption Press. This show and message is for everyone who has been taken advantage of, lied to, manipulated and utterly deceived under the guise, and misrepresentation of who God truly is. Theme Song: Jesus Kind of Love by Nate Jackson Connect with Athena at www.athenadeanholtz.com #FullCircle #WomenThatInspire #OJNR #CCTFW #RedemptionPress #Isaiah_61

Grace of God

Heath Miller